Monday, September 30, 2013

Through the storms...

Through the storms:
9.29.2013; pastor Joel sims; word of life church
Scripture references: Isaiah 4:1; 1 kings 19:1-16

CONFESS DAILY: when my heart is overwhelmed I will turn to the Rock that is higher than I. 

A plane feels as if it is holding steady through most of a flight, but on a plane you will always have a dramatic incline and a dramatic decline. These dramatic inclines and declines get you to where you need to be. These moments define our lives. Not because of what happens to us but because of what happens in us. When u arrive after the incline, don't forget to turn around and give the people that helped you and God credit. If you don't, it sets you up for pride. Look at your life and thank the ppl who are helping you live it. 

God never said faith would make all things pleasant; however, He did say faith would make all things possible. 

--we cause (health, financial, relationship choices)
--we do not cause (lied to by others, negative doc reports despite good health habits, loss of loved ones)
--test of obedience (storms from God)
~obedience can feel like suffering
~you can't believe or confess this put of the way. The only way to get through this storm is to comply

In 1 kings 19:1-16 Elijah was in his lowest point. God gave him 3 instructions:
1. Get up and get refreshment 
-supernatural refreshment.. Stay prayed up... Stay in the word
2. Go back and get your vision (goals/plans)
3. Link up with someone and don't do it alone anymore


God did not intend for you to live your life alone. <see palm tree reference below>
Everyone in the bible had an ally. You need them. You are there to nurture one another. 

Life is not about the storms that come - but when they come - what do you turn to?

Palm tree facts: 
There roots go deep in the ground to give them life. They survive the harshest conditions because they are connected to an invisible source. (Our invisible source is God). Also their roots grow sideways and twist around other palm roots. This is for stability against wind, rain, etc. (this is our relationships. 
Psalm 92 says we shall flourish like the palm... :)

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