Monday, September 30, 2013

Through the storms...

Through the storms:
9.29.2013; pastor Joel sims; word of life church
Scripture references: Isaiah 4:1; 1 kings 19:1-16

CONFESS DAILY: when my heart is overwhelmed I will turn to the Rock that is higher than I. 

A plane feels as if it is holding steady through most of a flight, but on a plane you will always have a dramatic incline and a dramatic decline. These dramatic inclines and declines get you to where you need to be. These moments define our lives. Not because of what happens to us but because of what happens in us. When u arrive after the incline, don't forget to turn around and give the people that helped you and God credit. If you don't, it sets you up for pride. Look at your life and thank the ppl who are helping you live it. 

God never said faith would make all things pleasant; however, He did say faith would make all things possible. 

--we cause (health, financial, relationship choices)
--we do not cause (lied to by others, negative doc reports despite good health habits, loss of loved ones)
--test of obedience (storms from God)
~obedience can feel like suffering
~you can't believe or confess this put of the way. The only way to get through this storm is to comply

In 1 kings 19:1-16 Elijah was in his lowest point. God gave him 3 instructions:
1. Get up and get refreshment 
-supernatural refreshment.. Stay prayed up... Stay in the word
2. Go back and get your vision (goals/plans)
3. Link up with someone and don't do it alone anymore


God did not intend for you to live your life alone. <see palm tree reference below>
Everyone in the bible had an ally. You need them. You are there to nurture one another. 

Life is not about the storms that come - but when they come - what do you turn to?

Palm tree facts: 
There roots go deep in the ground to give them life. They survive the harshest conditions because they are connected to an invisible source. (Our invisible source is God). Also their roots grow sideways and twist around other palm roots. This is for stability against wind, rain, etc. (this is our relationships. 
Psalm 92 says we shall flourish like the palm... :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Company You Keep

At my church, the pastor will sometimes give mini sermons before the actual sermon if the Holy Spirit is leading him to touch on a subject or two. I attend Word of Life Church in Flowood, MS. The pastor there is Joel Simms.  You can find more out about my church HERE.


Last night was so awesome and I just wanted to share the notes I took with you. The church does download podcast and media of each service. You can listen to the message HERE. I tried to listen to it this morning and it was actually a guest speaker from last week. I am sure that error will be corrected soon. But if you are interested, keep checking that link and click on the 8.28.2013 message. It is well worth it! It blessed me and I am sure it will you too!


Anyway, my notes will be bullet style and will not have scripture references – but it is good stuff so please check it out!!!

·        You are a steward of the last instruction God gave you. You can progress or move forward until you complete the last task.

·        Stop making excuses and start making changes!

·        Watch your associations

o   The devil wants to stop you from reaching your destiny.

o   The easiest way to do that is to get someone close to you to distract you.

o   Who are your associations?

§  Are they promoting God’s direction for your life?

§  Are they turning you away from God?

§  Where are your standards held when you are around them?

·        Watch out for a critical and lying spirit.

o   BIND yourself in mercy and truth (Proverbs).

o   Speak UPLIFTING words! Words of love! Words of life!

o   If someone is consistently critical – get away from that person.

§  This is reflective of something deeply wrong spiritually.

§  Everyone is your ministry; everyone is NOT your friend.

o   How do you know if this is an association that you do not need to be around?

§  Your heart knows.

§  Make the necessary changes so you can grow.

o   Most of the time, the critical person enters your life on a positive aspect and with praise.

§  BE CAREFUL OF THIS: there is a difference in praise and flattery.

·        Praise gives

·        Flattery takes away from you

·        God knows your future better than you know your past and better than the devil knows your past.

I encourage you to listen to last night’s podcast and to read the points in these notes. It is so very important to your spiritual growth!


Stay in love,


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time is Short - Life is but a Vapor...

For those of you who know me personally - probably know that I believe that the rapture of the church will happen at some point in the next year or two. Am I saying that it is a for sure thing? No. However, I have done enough research to feel that it is a great possibility. It is so easy to get into the "yeah right" attitude. People have been saying He is returning for years. That is the very reason this is so exciting and scarey all at the same time. If anyone would like to know more of my reasoning and research - please message me here or on facebook and I would be happy to share this with you.

I was driving to work today and I was hit with the hard reality that THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!! Regardless of when it happens or how it happens.. one day there is no denying that I will be standing in front of the Lover of my soul. As I am dwelling on this and meditating on it I was overcome with a sense of "unworthiness". I am so unworthy of the love that He gives to me. I am a sinner, I mess up all the time, I endulge in sin, I do things that I am not supposed to do, I don't do the things I should do. How is it that He loves me so much to let me in when I don't do my part all the time??? My own selfish agendas were weighing down on me with condemnation.

Then the Lord spoke to me and told me that "My sons blood has given you access to My kingdom". Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all of my mess ups, and the short-comings that I have, and all the people that my actions may have pushed away from God. I am worthy to be in His kingdom because He was the sacrifice for my sin. God is not about a bunch of nos... He is about leading you to the greater things in life - a more abundant life - and ultimately, His kingdom.

I did not write this post with the primary purpose of telling you to get ready. I did not write this post to tell you that Jesus died for your sins. I wrote this post to remind you that time is very short here on earth. The bible says in James 4:14
Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air].

What is this saying? We are gone before you know it! If you look at the expanse of eternity and think about your life - it is literally nothing. Gone before you can blink your eyes. So why are we here? What is the point? What is the nature of your life? To love. The answer is to love. I wrote this post to remind you to love. God wants us to love others and show His love to others. God wants us to love ourselves. God wants us to love Him. How do we love Him? By keeping His commandments (John 14:15). God is not trying to restrict us - He wants us to live as He has called us - to live in love - so that we can show His love - so that His kingdom may be fulfilled.

With this being said - be encouraged. Know this:
  • He is coming!
  • You are worthy through the blood of Jesus Christ
I love you all! Be blessed! If you have questions, comments, or concerns.. please feel free to email me, comment, or message me on facebook!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I was reading an article today that was titled "Study: Most People Wouldn't Recognize Christians" on charisma news. This article bothered me in so many ways because all too often, I see it to be true. There are many people who believe in Jesus as the savior, are saved, but hide their identity from the people that need to see it the most. This leaves me asking why?

There are a number of responses as to why people may do this... to name a few...
  • lack of faith
  • embarrassed for being different
  • persecution from "the world"
I wanted to write this short blog as a reminder to why we are here. We are the light of the world. Jesus longs to have a relationship with each and every person and needs us to be that light. If we have not accepted God's love for us and if we are not walking in love ourselves - how can we share this light???

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:8-9:

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord of of me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.

 Think of it this way - what has Jesus done for you???? He has set you free from sin, death, sickness, negativity... He has given you grace, mercy, boldness, confidence, peace.... He has opened a doorway for you to walk out an abundant life of fellowship with Him! How awesome is that? The Creator of the universe longs to fellowship with you! Not only that - He is CRAZY IN LOVE WITH YOU! This is nothing to be ashamed of! I get gitty over my redemption. I can barely fathom the thought that I am His beloved.

Don't underestimate the impact that you will have on the next person. Although, they may laugh at you in public - I promise God is speaking to them in quite. You never know who you will impact when you make a stand. I heard Steven Furtick say this the other day "Don't let your expectations distract you from what God is trying to teach you". Stop and let that sink in for a minute. Let me give you an example. Perhaps you have been praying about a job that you felt the Lord leading you towards - you were confident - had faith but did not get the job. Your expectations were so high but it did not work out the way YOU thought it would... At this point, do you walk around mad? No. You lean on God - Well Lord what are you teaching me??? A more sensitive personal example right now would be the tornado that just ripped through Oklahoma. Those people did not expect to have their lives torn from beneath them - however - God could be teaching them to depend soley on Him or that He was with them through the storm!

You not being ashamed of the Gospel can impact nations. It makes a difference. Every little act of faith is seen by someone... the unbeliever, the coworker at your job, the little girl who lives next door to you, your children, and most importantly God. What is God seeing when he sees you? How can you boldly proclaim your salvation? I leave you with this.... Don't be ashamed of the gift of salvation given to you - the world needs this and needs to see its product. If you have time, read the following link. It is from Pastor Saeed who is now in captivity for his faith. It will really put things in perspective in relation to what is important in life. Love.

You can read his latest letter here.
Be Blessed - With love