Thursday, April 23, 2015

Climbing Mountains

Yesterday, my friend moved out. She is my best friend and has lived with me for the past six months. We have been through so much together as unbelievers and as Christians. God called her to a new season so I am so happy she is leaving because she is being obedient to God. However, I am left feeling empty and alone. I have an army of people surrounding me all the time but she is someone who really 'gets' me. The past 6 months have been wonderful! i prayed for this. I was able to connect with my best friend after spending many years apart, I got to walk with someone closely. There are several things I have learned through this season. 

1.  EMBRACING SINGLENESS - around the time she came, I had a spiritual breakthrough in my emotions. I reclaimed my identity and took back everything that the devil had stolen from me. In doing this, I cut everyone off that was not edifying to my spiritual wellbeing. Her presence in my house helped me to commit to being single. It did not feel so lonely. Let me clarify this... we are never lonely in the Kingdom.... with Jesus a part of our lives, we can live fully satisfied.... He is always there. In this time, however, she was with me and held me accountable to my commitment. This strengthened me. I was able to fully commit to filling that emptiness with Him. 
2.  STRENGTH IN COMMUNITY - There are so many lessons we learned by walking together!
      a. God is our source - how to take control of our finances
      b. breathe in God and breathe out His praises
      c. lessons in wisdom
      d. the power of words
      e. breaking free from sin
      f. being BRAVE <3 
3.  CHANGE - Seasons Change. There is just no way around it. It must                                                 happen. You cannot avoid change! Change is inevitable and we must   constantly flow with it. I hear a sermon by Jesse Duplantis the other day         that said


So with all that being said - I can see the multiple changes about to happen in my life. I can already see the rotation of people into new places with me and new faces crossing my path. None of which replace the other... it is just that God designs us to always have someone we are feeding from, someone we are walking with, and someone we are pouring into. I can see the new areas that God is moving me towards. In the natural, it is TERRIFYING! I was just getting use to things. I was just realizing how to do things. I was just.... COMFORTABLE... but we all should know that growth is never comfortable. As uncomfortable as the impeding change may feel, I am confident in this: I AM NO LONGER A SLAVE TO FEAR! I AM A CHILD OF GOD! I AM A DAUGHTER OF THE MOST HIGH! I AM FREE! #IAMBRAVE :) that I have built the background story - I can tell you about my vision. Last night in MOTION the Holy Spirit took control of the service. He majored on freedom. God has another lever for me. God is moving me into another season. I must be brave, free, and willing to flow with change to walk in this. I must know who I am in Him to enter into it. 

"you have to be free from yourself in order to be free for them"

That is a quote from Pastor Luke that has stuck with me the past week. With this quote in mind during worship - I saw a mountain. It was high but there were other mountains around of various heights. About 3/4 of the way up there was a tiny trail going up the side of the mountain. The path was barely big enough to stand on. Rocks and pebbles would fall at the slightest move. When they fell they seemed to never reach the bottom. I knew I had to walk up this mountain. I could not go any other way than up. I could not turn around. I could not back down. I really couldn't even stop. The only direction was up or to fall to your death. It was such a scary situation to be in. What if I were to make the wrong step??? What if I couldn't do it? Then the image started to pan out... I saw me walking up the mountain but it was a kid version of me and I was hand in hand with Jesus. He was leading me on this narrow path. He was leading me up to the next level. He was guiding my steps so I wouldn't fall. He was going before me to prepare the way for my feet. 

How amazing?!?! There are three things I got from this that I hope anyone reading this will see too...
1. When things get scary we need to cling to Him and let Him guide us. 
2. Be child-like. Just like a child clings to a mother, we need to let go of our pride        and independence and cling to Him fully.
3. When we reach the top of our mountain or to the next plateau - we need to take    a moment and notice of the beauty of what He has bought us to. We also need to    turn around and look back to remember what we walked through and Who got us    there!
There are many times in the Bible that show us that God walked with people. He walked with Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Noah (Genesis 6:7), Abram (Genesis 17:1), and Joseph (Genesis 48:15). 

Go to scriptures for walking WITH Him

Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own          understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your          paths straight.

Micah 6:8 ~ He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? 

Leviticus 26:12 ~ I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people. 

2 Corinthians 6:16 ~ Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the  temple of the living God; just as God said, 'I WILL DWELL IN THEM  AND WALK AMONG THEM: AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD AND  THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE'.



Sunday, April 19, 2015

Unstoppable Love

Last night I had a conversation with someone about the defenses my emotions have built. I explained that I have had so many past hurts that I have emotionally built walls around myself to protect myself from the pain. Although God has restored me completely and I am free from this pain, I still see the walls from time to time.

Some have attempted to break down my walls. Some have even been successful in that they break down one only to find another one behind it. My natural mind says that no one will "tear down all my walls".. Not because I don't deserve it, but because "I don't believe it is worth the time it will take to do so or that they will have the patience to be there long enough to do it". Spiritually, I know that is not true and that God has a plan, I was just explaining myself from a raw emotion perspective.

Later in conversation I mentioned that anyone in my life will always be second place. Second to God, and the call HE has on my life. From the outside looking in, that may be a harsh sounding statement; however, today in worship, this was made very clear to me why this is necessary.

We sang a song by Kim Walker Smith called unstoppable love. Although I know the lyrics to this song, they were far from my heart last night in my conversation. During worship I realized that many of the lyrics in the song were a lot of the things I mentioned last night...

Try to stop Your love and You would wage a war
Try to take the very thing You gave Your life for
You would come running
Tear down every wall
All the while You’re shouting
“My Love, you’re worth it all”.

God you pursue me with power and glory
Unstoppable Love that never ends
You’re unrelenting with passion and mercy
Unstoppable Love that never ends

You broke into the silence and sang your song of hope
A melody resouning in the deep of my soul
You have come running
You tore down every wall
All the while you’re shouting,
“My Love you’re worth it all”

No sin, no shame,
No past, no pain
Can separate me from Your love
No height, no depth,
No fear, no debt
Can separate me from Your love

I didn't realize until I sang those lyrics how much I guard my heart and why Jesus will always have first place. HE HAS TORE DOWN EVERY WALL. HE STOPS AT NOTHING TO LOVE ME. HE GUARDS ME AND PROTECTS ME. HE is the ONLY person that can and will break through. If any man wants to get through them all, he is not going to be able to do so apart from Jesus' strength. A man will have to know my Father to know the way to my heart because only God has the keys.

I say all that to say to anyone reading this post... Seek Him. Seek Him before anything else. His pursuit of you is relentless. His love for you is unyeilding. His plans for you are great. Go to YouTube and check out this video. Listen to this song, let it speak to your heart. Recognize what you are to HIM. Put Him first and He will never steer you wrong.