Monday, February 27, 2012

Oneness with God

Recently in a church service my pastor asked a question that is worth some pondering…
If you knew you only had a certain amount of time to live, what would you talk about?
He went on to say that some of the most important scripture to read is that of John 14 – 17 because it was Jesus’ last days on earth – and His words are worth taking note of.

I jumped at the chance to read these chapters. Of course, I’m sure I read them before – but this time – I wanted to read them with this in mind. I started with John 14…
In John 14, Jesus speaks about “oneness” with the Father. He is explaining to the disciples that He is about to go to be with God and comforts them by telling them if they love Him, they will keep His commandments – in return for the expression of their love (by faith, action, and lifestyle) that He will “disclose Himself” to them (vs. 21).
HOW AWESOME IS THAT???? We have a God that will have an open line of communication with us! All we have to do is love Him and obey Him!

I found vs. 29 interesting:
        “Now I have told you before it happens; so that when it happens you believe”
God will disclose Himself and His plan for our lives by telling us things before they happen! This will strengthen our faith.

In vs. 31 Jesus said:
        “but so that the world may know I love the Father, I do exactly as the Father commanded me…”
WOW – CHECK YO’ SELF!!! DOES THE WORLD KNOW WHO YOUR FATHER IS? DO THEY KNOW THAT YOU LOVE THE FATHER? (if you do as He commands, your lifestyle should show the world where your heart is set)
Life is so much easier when you love God. If you love Him, you are keeping his commandments (vs. 15) and according to God’s promise in vs. 21 – He is disclosing Himself to you! You will know what to expect in life! With this concept in mind, walking in victory just became much easier. So I encourage whoever may read this to start spending time in the word, seek His face daily, and fall in love with the Father – and of course – Stay in Love!!!

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